We hope this message finds you well. Today we are writing to you with some important news about the AmeriCorps VISTA program at the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN).

After thoughtful consideration rooted in MCN’s strategic planning work, MCN has made a difficult decision to sunset its VISTA program by the end of December 2025. This challenging decision enables us to streamline efforts towards our newly envisioned organizational direction, including advancing equitable funding structures and deepening our engagement with nonprofits across Minnesota.

Over the past decade, MCN's VISTA program has yielded incredible results, playing a crucial role in our mission to make a difference in communities across Minnesota.

Here are some of the milestones we are particularly proud of:

  • Resource Leveraged: The program’s participants managed to secure more than $1.7 million in cash resources and over $100,000 in in-kind resources.

  • Impactful Partnerships: We partnered with over 40 community-based nonprofits throughout the Twin Cities, and in Central and Southern Minnesota.

  • Extensive Volunteer Engagement: Engaging 1,000+ passionate volunteers, dedicating over 10,000 service hours.

  • Nurturing Talent: We have had the privilege of placing and supporting 137 dedicated MCN VISTA members.

  • Fostering Career Growth: Each year, our members engaged in over 120+ hours of expansive training, encompassing orientation, monthly retreats, MCN conferences, workshops, and self-directed learning.

  • Strengthening Nonprofits: Our support and resources have amplified our partner nonprofits' missions, enhancing their operational efficiency and community outreach.

While these milestones embody our dedication to the Minnesota communities. They also spotlight the broader vision and renewed strategies MCN seeks to embrace for the future. Our accomplishments with VISTA don't mark an end but highlight a turning point, a springboard into MCN’s new phase of innovation and strategic alignment.

Navigating the Transition Together:

This transition will be a gradual one, culminating by the end of 2025. We are wholly committed to facilitating a seamless transition, ensuring advance notice and maximum transparency. Regular updates will be available at mcnvista.org/sunset, acting as a beacon for our community as we undertake this transition together. We've established this platform to keep all stakeholders updated on any new developments.

We are here to address any questions or concerns you might harbor. Your insights are invaluable to us, and we sincerely appreciate your unwavering commitment to MCN and the communities we endeavor to serve. With collective spirit and resolve, we are confident that our community will continue to make impactful strides. Onwards to new horizons,